Platinum Casino, Ploiesti, Romania
Various fibre optic lighing effects in this casino.
The Project Brief
A prestigious new casino was recently built in Ploiesti in the outskirts of the Romanian capital, Bucharest.
FOLI were contracted to provide lighting effects in three separate areas of the casino. The first area FOLI illuminated was the entrance canopy, where a random fibre ceiling was installed.
The ceiling used multiple tails of 0.75mm sheathed fibre, each fitted with an acrylic star bulet lens. Illumination was provided by DMX capable metal halide light sources which offer complete control of colour change, twinkle and dimming effects.
The second area was at the bottom of the steps which lead into the main gaming area of the casino. In this area, FOLI fibre optics were uses to light the sign using a grid of 1mm PMMA fibre points each fittted with sparkle flush lenses. As above, DMX light sources were used to provide the light.
Area three involved lighting the strips which run between the gaming tables, above the walking areas. The design called for an array of star bursts which were created using a mixture of 2mm, 1.5mm and 1mm and 0.75mm fibre tails.
Again, acrylic star lenses were used on each tail to provide an intense point of light. 150W metal halide light sources fitted with twinkle wheels provided the illumination.
Equipment Used
Light sources
150W QFX metal halide light sources with full DMX control.
End Fittings
Acrylic star bullet lenses were used to provide the star effect ceiling.
©2012 Fibre optic Lighting International